Wholesale distributors of SHUBB products in the USA
As you can see by the list below, most of the major U.S. music wholesalers are Shubb distributors, and should provide a convenient and reliable source for our products. It is our policy to support these companies, not to compete with them. But since we do not require our distributors to carry our entire line, there might be certain Shubb products which your distributor does not have. For this reason, we also welcome dealer direct business. To learn more about dealing directly, e-mail us at trade@shubb.com, phone 707-843-4068, fax 707-4069, or read more online at our trade connection.
- Chesbro Music | (ID) 208-522-8691
- Dealer Direct | (CA, IN) 800-211-3319
- Dynamic Music Distributing, Inc. | (WI) 800-343-3003
- Harris-Teller, Inc. | (IL) 708-496-2100
- KMC | (CT) 855-417-8677
- Lou Capece Music | (NY) 516-221-5596
- LPD Music International | (MI) tel: 800-527-5292
- Mid Atlantic Distributing | (VA) 434-956-4463
- Performance Sales | (OH). 888-518-7424
- Score Marketing, Inc. | (MD) 301-765-7788
- Sun Valley Music Distributors | (AZ) 480-844-2500
- Tone King Corporation | (NY) 800-662-3478
- US Band and Orchestral Supplies, Inc. | (MO) 314-727-4512
- Weemsco Holdings | (TX) 210-994-55627