As you all know, this is a tough time for musicians. Not much new going on until it gets safer to gather …as in an audience. And that’s not the sort of thing we want to rush; the price of impatience is too steep.
But as various of our Shubb Artists begin to come up with new projects — streaming concerts, new recordings, etc. — we will do our best to keep you posted right here. In the meantime, if there are any of their CDs you’ve been meaning to buy, this would be a great time for it.
We’re still in the woodshed
As you all know, this is a tough time for musicians. Not much new going on until it gets safer to gather …as in an audience. And that’s not the sort of thing we want to rush; the price of impatience is too steep.
But as various of our Shubb Artists begin to come up with new projects — streaming concerts, new recordings, etc. — we will do our best to keep you posted right here. In the meantime, if there are any of their CDs you’ve been meaning to buy, this would be a great time for it.